Have you experienced a Bars session and would like to learn this wonderful, relaxing technique yourself?
In the course of just one day, you can learn how to gently touch the 32 points on the head and get the energy flowing. After just one day, you will be a Bars practitioner who is capable of giving sessions yourself – for family and friends and even for a fee if you wish.
What do you know? What is true for you, your body, your business and your life? The theme of this course is: “Empowering yourself to know that you know”. You will receive a toolbox packed with practical, pragmatic and very simple tools that you can take home with you and apply to any area of your life – and with which you can change anything that you want.
During the course, we will take a look at the foundation on which you have built your life and begin to break down the limitations, replacing them with unlimited possibilities that will allow you to create the life you truly desire.
What if it is possible to change everything?
What if you know things that nobody else knows? What if now is the time to celebrate your difference, your specialness and your uniqueness?
EVERYTHING in our lives is energy – even money. Does money determine whose life it falls into, where it is abundant and where it is lacking? What if it is your view that creates the abundance or lack of money in your life?
If you were invited to a party where there was no music, all the guests were sad, there was nothing to drink and you were told off for being late – how long would you stay? Is your life a party that invites money to join in the festivities? Money goes where there is joy.
In this 10-week book club, featuring the “How to Make Money Workbook”, we highlight a number of different monetary aspects as well as how you can invite money into your life.